Harry potter lord of multiple houses fanfiction harem. desiar ,neet detamitserednu na ,rettoP semaJ yrraH teeM 'ot em ,dal ot eM' !!!GNILWOR KJ YB DENWO SRETCARAHC )strawgoH fo rieh eht dna rettoP yrraH sa nwonk ylsuoiverP( . Harry potter lord of multiple houses fanfiction harem

<b>desiar ,neet detamitserednu na ,rettoP semaJ yrraH teeM 'ot em ,dal ot eM' !!!GNILWOR KJ YB DENWO SRETCARAHC )strawgoH fo rieh eht dna rettoP yrraH sa nwonk ylsuoiverP( </b>Harry potter lord of multiple houses fanfiction harem  A subtle manipulation

Rated: Fiction T - English - Harry P. 'Thoughts' I do not want to Harry Potter or any of its affiliations. "Let's get him up to his room," Narcissa stated with a devilish smirk. Halfway through shaking Harry's hand, they stiffened, looking round at Malfoy. Chapter 1. He changed into his best wizarding robe and laid his wand down on the end-table by his bed. Ragnarok By: The BlackStaff and NightMarE. This work is not for profit. Chapter 2: Harry returns. Lacey. Harry learns what it is to be a Potter and starts his journey to finish Voldemort once and for all. Harry earns/inherits a Lordship but has to actually rule over/ take care of hundreds of families who live on his lands. Chapter 1 of Harry Potter and the Surprise Inheritance. A glance at her watch caused her to let out a shaky breath. Mothers:(Multiple Due to The Goddess' Gift Potion. HARRY POTTER AND THE THIRD AGE!. Percy Weasley had managed to purchase a decent new wand just earlier that day. A boy is subjected to such guardianship until age 17. All for being blamed for Cedric Diggory's murder, when in truth it was Peter Pettigrew on Voldemort's orders. After Sirius had died in the ministry Two weeks before Hogwarts starts again Harry was allowed to go to the Weasleys to spend the rest of his summer there. "Have a seat Lord Potter. Harry froze like a broken record, slowly turning his face towards his uncle. My name is Harry James Potter, Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter. Ginny's moans were small and cute. Harem for Harry. Harry was 8 when he was kicked out. # 1. The House of Healing Souls By: Elsbeth Ravensblood. Inheritance and Treachery By: Carthienes. As a Lord, he is given special privileges, among which he finds the right to have many wives, and other relations (Concubines, slaves), and develops. Accompany him as he creates chaos at Hogwarts and confounds the resident Dark Lord, Tom Riddle. Daphne's Letter from the Future By: TomHRichardson. He didn't want to be under Dumbledore's and Mrs Weasley's thumb anymore. He now doesn't care about dumbles or voldie . . Harry Potter awoke on his cousin's birthday, to the noise of his Aunt Petunia yelling at him to wake up and not burn the breakfast. Included in this letter is a Muggle envelope addressed to Harry Potter from his much-older self. But when he crosses paths with another living legend of the wizarding world, while a new threat looms at the horizon, it's time he realizes something obvious to everyone else: the hero's calling can't ever truly be given up. Gringotts Goblins uncover a fascinating secret about a young wizard with a lightning bolt scar. Lord Potter and all his many houses. Found by the widowed Andromeda Tonks and her daughter, they take Harry in and teach him about magic, among other things. 3. With the help of Sirius and Remus she decides to take Harry away from Dumbledore's manipulations and goes to America. This is an Adult alternative-timeline Book 8, filled what-ifs and hook-ups. In the final battle of Hogwarts, Kreacher had led the school's House Elves into the fight against the Death Eaters and the gathered forces of Voldemort. P. He ignored it for the most part but would remind her every month or so that they were not going to be married. She swallows and crouches down. They had been secretly dating for 8 months. A M/F/F with HP/HG/DG. Harry smirked. "Lyra," Harry said, suddenly remembering the last time the two had met, "I hope you've grown some common sense and will actually pay him respect. Potter, we have been expecting you. That's right, my readers, SEVEN. The brown-haired witch considered asking McGonagall to help her, but she decided against it. She leaned into him and cried into his shirt. That is the bond Kreacher thinks Master likes best. But asked for time to consider a. July 24th, 1985. , Cersei L. "Your Majesty, Lord Churchill is here. This secret opens the door to a world of possibilities and a world. On his 16th birthday Dumbledore presents Harry with a little surprize. "I'll be right back. RBW/HJG and HJP/GMW – all other relationships as outlined in the Epilog in book seven are hereby Null and Void . The lines of present, past and future blur and for once, Voldemort isnt the deadliest threat. Looking up he saw two seventh year Gryffindor students. Now if you add, Delores Umbridge and her decrees and Harry Potter to the mix, that recipe has destiny of disaster! A few days before the first match of the season, the group of. The pain was radiating from two places, his right eye and the back of his head, and from there covered his whole head. Harry looked at the inheritance page again. The destruction of Salazar's locket had been a turning point in Kreacher's attitude towards Harry. Heir to the house of Peverell . But the issue of orphaned children, to include custody and magical guardianships and such is handled through the Wizengamot. Harry Potter and the Marvel Universe. For once in his life not stumbling upon landing from the portkey, Harry quickly approached the nearest teller. " "How many?" "As of this morning, he was married to 436 Witches and 45 wizards," Aurora replied, ignoring Minerva's spit-take of her own firewhiskey. Mature. " "No Daph, I'm not going to do it. Tracy's father and my father signed a marriage contract at Gringott's. His name was Harry Potter and he had ebony black hair, vibrant green eyes and a disfiguring scar on his forehead in the shape of a bolt of lightning that was just beginning to show signs of healing. please contact us using the e-mail address on the Harry Potter Fanfic Archive’s collection. Harry Potterheads and Lord of the Rings fans, welcome to my new fictions…. Chapter 5. It was time to wake the boy and lead him towards a new path in life. Heritage By: Neale. "They range down from ninety-six to five years old at the youngest. " Called out Albus Dumbledore. One, two, three. He had been reflecting on the past six years and his stay at Riddle Manor. No one bans me from Quidditch By: Dr. In the smallest bedroom of Number 4, Private Drive Harry Potter woke up at the ungodly hour of 3. Harry/Harem sexfanatic!Harry . Tears streamed down Harry Potter's face as he was thrown into Azkaban. A surprising revelation from a desolate future. His room was small with only a squeaky bed, worn down dresser and dirty table, but it was perfect to him. The kingdom was ruled by a king and queen that were much beloved. L. A subtle manipulation. DMLE prosecutor and former flame Daphne Greengrass comes to his defense. Harry, Sirius, Hermione, and Remus took their leave of the small goblin and apparated to Lupin's home. Opening the door, Sirius was met with a devastating sight. James wasn't needed to find multiple partners to pass on his former titles since he had been 'dead' for over 15 years. A/N: I don't own Harry Potter and wouldn't particularly care to. Not Bashing Damian Wayne is Harry Potter, and he’s just trying to figure out how to handle being a wizard, a Hogwarts student, Heir Potter, Heir Slytherin, a Wayne heir, and Robin all at the same time. Let's see shall we. please contact us using the e-mail address on the Harry Potter Fanfic Archive’s collection. Dudley winced as he slowly turned to meet his father's gaze. Heir to the house of Peverell . As Lord Potter, you are in possession of several properties in England, including Godric's Hollow, due to the historic significance of the town to your Gryffindor Heritage, though your family has had members in the other houses as well, thus the ring's multicolors. Fandom: Harry Potter Relationship: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Fleur Delacour/Daphne Greengrass-----After being entered in the blasted Triwizard Tournament Harry finds himself studying in the library for anything that will help him get out alive. Afterwards he starts to change things. Groaning, he got up and reluctantly began his chores for the day. You have been warned. Harry flinched as his knuckles made a loud CRACK upon snapping back together. " Marriage and Inheritance – by; Billybob. The different house members rushed off to their tables, to spread the word. Found by the widowed Andromeda Tonks and her daughter, they take Harry in and teach him about magic, among other things. She gave a loud hoot to indicate her displeasure and flew out of the window. Chapter 6. Harry noticed that all of the other curtains were tightly closed, apart from his empty bed, and the slightly ajar ones which was emitting the sounds of Neville's snores. Privet Drive was every bit your normal looking suburban neighborhood; well-kept lawns, nice cars in every drive, even a crazy cat lady. Quick note this is the very next day from chapter 1. A meeting between the concerned parties should take place at Gringotts within a week of receiving this notice. Silence was all that was heard in the private room as what Ragnok said started to sink in, further and further. This was a bad news for young Harry for Lord Voldemort was his sworn enemy. Harry either didn't hear her or, more likely, didn't care to acknowledge her. - It's okay father…. There will also be slash, and multiple mates for Harry. Severus took note of this but made no sign that it bothered him. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 4 - Words: 8,880. He quickly showered and changed his clothes and went. But luckily a rather large owl is about to fly through his window that might possibly change Harry's life. Dennis bid twenty-seven on both Natalie McDonald and Morag McDougal, only to be out bid again. It begins at the start of the fourth year, we can and will use cliches, self-insert, Harry/Multi/Multi yes, he is finally going over the top. "We, James Potter, and Lily Evans-Potter, First and foremost, upon our death, our son Harry is to be in the care of Sirius Black. k. harrypotter. Chapter 6. Harry Potter/ (ofc) Sophia Walker. As far as power went, Harry also had powerful ancestral lines. Gringotts Goblins uncover a fascinating secret about a young wizard with a lightning bolt scar. DOB: 31 July, 1980 Parents: James Charlus Potter and Lily Marie Evans. Harry!Potter Manor: Daphne woke in the darkness feeling warm and loved. Light, Darkness, Grey By: Radiant Arabian Nights. Potter of this occurrence. Potter. This tale is centered on the JKR discarded premise of 'inner-house unity' and the. AU post OoTP. Everything else was secondary, including dealing with Dumbledore and the Dursleys. Bashing, dark!Harry, slash and crossovers are fine. Please and thank you!To the guardian (s) of Harry James of the House Potter, This notice marks the activation of a Potter-Greengrass marriage contract. This time around, it's Sirius' turn to be surprised. CHAPTER 1 The Dark Lord is Born. " Their eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as their eyes flicked to his forehead, where they finally managed to see his scar that was hidden behind his messy black hair. ” He ignored the lack of respect from Bagnold – he could go back to ruining her career later. He controls his breathing after some time of adjusting to the sensation of waking. They visited Gringotts a few days later. But, though to an outside observer things appeared perfectly normal, the truth was far from it. Where Harry has definitely undergone a change, and Dumbledore's original plan to. " The boy smiled at being able to introduce himself, something that didn't happen too often. "So, now I need you to contact Lord Potter. Technically, the conniving bitch had fulfilled the requirements for a request, as it wasn't dangerous, ill-intended nor demeaning. "Boy, go get the door. "Boy, go get the door. This diverges from canon in that Harry and Hermione are together (as JKR finally agreed was a better pairing) and many of the characters I. " The Goblins was suprised a bit but nodded quickly and sent a goblin in the chambers behin the main lobby. Today was a happier day the most in Diagon alley, people rustling and bustling, going on with their usual business without a fear in the world now that the dark lord Voldemort had been vanquished, and his number one man, Sirius Black, was dead. "Forging Destiny By: White Angel of Auralon. Serious or crack, I don't care. Dursleys abandon Harry in America, A certain Distant Relative Discover him and made him his heir. Final Book in the "Dark Prince" series. Magically Powerful Harry Potter. Harry smiled sadly as he clutched the letter and portkey. Potter, according to our records, you've withdrawn, fifty thousand Galleons already this month. "You'll be taking Harry to the park with you. It was odd, wonderful and highly erotic. CHAPTER 12: CONTRACTS. Chapter One: Hannah Abbott. The lines of present, past and future blur and for once, Voldemort isnt the deadliest threat. That is where I come in. No Man is an Island By: Andrew Joshua Talon. " Harry said honestly confused at the summons. Harry was walking toward the Common Room when suddenly he was pulled into an empty classroom. Fifteen years later. Returning to Hogwarts for the finally time, there doesn't seem to be an end to the amount of beautiful girls who want to physically thank him. A surprising revelation from a desolate future. "Tonks, wait," Hermione hissed, while grabbing the metamorph's elbow, making her glare at the younger girl. All of the powerful Pureblood families were related in one way or another – many were, of course, hundreds of years old. " Apollo smiled gently, "That isn't how it works, Mr. A shadow formed from the lamppost near him, lying atop his notebook and distorting it's colours. Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 9 - Words: 11,000 - Reviews: 92 - Favs: 330 - Follows: 406 - Updated: Occlumency Lessons by DauntlessErudite29 reviews. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Harry P. She and Santa send them back in time with their memories and powers intact (with extras), to rob Voldy blind. The fierce duel began with each throwing multiple curses both dark and light. A 4 year old Harry Potter cried as his uncle whipped him with his belt. Their motto is: Loyalty to those who deserve it. Looking up he saw two seventh year Gryffindor students. Rated T for language and questionable teenagers. But little does he realise what lies in his blood. Harry Potter is Lord of Multiple Noble Houses;. Harry after Sirius dies learns some home truths about the wizarding world. Rated M for sexuall scenes and language. It is to my knowledge that the head of the House of Delacour, Luis Delacour, made a magical marriage with the House of Potter so that in the future they could, when called upon, have a magical alliance between the two houses. " Chapter 2: A Gringotts Visit. By breakfast the next morning, the school was buzzing about the 'duel', which had grown steadily out of proportion with each retelling. The next morning, at about eleven in the morning, Harry returned to the wizarding bank for his meeting with his estate manager. Inheritance Test – Harry James Potter. Closely second by House Longbottom only two or three generations after House Potter and have been allies for centuries that is the worst kept secret in the wizengamot and probably the wizarding world. Explicit Sexual Content Harems Evil Albus Dumbledore Molly Weasley Bashing Dark Harry Potter BAMF Harry Potter Sub Hermione Granger Sub Luna. Ginny's accusations had taken root in some people's minds, and the only thing stopping James Potter from bringing some Aurors to arrest Harry was Amelia Bones' questioning of Harry under. To his left he could see the brown, curly hair of his best friend. HUGE AU. A teenage boy with a large sword named Jett found him and took under his wing. The House of Lord Potter-Black by StarLight Massacre reviews. So I recently got pointed to an admittedly pretty terrible fanfiction, but it kind drove me to want to read even more in the same. Ragnarok By: The BlackStaff and NightMarE. Snape rose to his feet and glared down at the redheaded menace. THE HOUSE OF POTTER-GREENGRASS. Harry waited while the blade purified itself and then, he too, pressed a finger against the sharp edge. “Harry Potter!”. He opened his right palm, sliced it open with his palm, wincing slightly in the process, and turned his hand over. Catchpole, Devon, U. "With those titles comes responsibility for both houses. , Sirius B. But on the plus side, he did beat the sexual harassment suit Harry filed after that class. '. Death of a Dark Lord, a True Story - by Gilderoy Lockhart. Harry Potter, Master of Death, finds himself traveling through time and space itself in an attempt to hide from his ever so sadistic minion, Death and from the ever present and never ending paperwork. " And just like that, Harry fell into a dead faint. Imeadite Family: Father: Lord James Ignotus Potter-Deceased. The only facts anyone had was that twelve Slytherins were in the hospital wing, and Harry Potter and Ron. Silently he counted. Now he is eleven again, nothing is going the same as before, and people are starting to ask questions, especially the Malfoys, the Hogwarts professors and, most worryingly, Mad-Eye Moody. Harry Potter was sick and tired of Genevra Weasley. Chapter 3. " Sirius said, calling his godson over. 7K 457 29. . " Harry Potter folded his arms across his chest to show he wasn't going to budge from his stand. On the document, it stated that Harry was the heir of the most ancient and noble houses of Potter, Peverell, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. He made sure that Hermione was his top priority. AU, Timetravel, HHr, mild Ron bashing. Struggling to get up on his feet he noticed his surroundings or lack thereof. One moment in time, one unpredictable choice, changes the entire fate of the wizarding world for good. "The Potter Coven By: flowerchild33. He looked quietly at the name on the desk, and spoke in fluent Gobbledygook. That fateful night at Godric's Hollow, Lily Potter survives. As their hands touch a Golden Glow appears around the two 11 year old Children. Harry/HG/Multi *Harry's Sex Spellbook was flagged for plagiarism and I was forced to take it down, It is now available at Hentaifoundry. Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Family/Spiritual - Chapters: 43 - Words: 221,599 - Reviews: 43 - Favs: 116 - Follows: 61 - Updated: Jul 2, 2012 - Published: Feb 2, 2012. "There's got to be something useful you can do with fame, honestly!" Harry says. Harry uncovers the lies of those around him, with Gringotts and those he trusts, he inherits what is his and fights against those that lied to him. Ron refuses to be left out of the fun, and Hermione thinks it a good idea. 30 AM. The headmaster of Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry is sitting in his thorn-like chair, one eye twitching. Sweet, innocent, 12-year-old Harry doesn't really know what a harem entails, but more friends would be lovely. You have been warned. The drawing room's dais, upon which the traditional offerings of bread and salt would ordinarily be laid, hovered empty. ". That is where I come in. "Leave it!" said Angelina at once, taking Fred by the arm. The reporter continued. He had asked Aunt Petunia about it and had received a major whack to his head with a hot frying pan. On a cold night of Halloween, Lady Voldemort attacked the Potter Family living in Godric's Hollow. Turn. Harem Lord By: Callisto Blackridge. Harry asked standing up from his seat at the Gryffindor table, using occlumency to calm his mind. Huff-Puff. Harry was Lord Hogwarts. The king was a handsome ,strongly built, muscular man with messy black hair, and hazel eyes hidden behind rectangular glasses. Mind Control Sex. When Harry finally spilled himself into her and they both muffled their contented moans in each other's mouths, Harry realized that if that genie was responsible for this, then he was damn grateful to her. The older man didn't know what to say, he has been busted, he looked at the ground before he started to sob, he couldn't hide it anymore, Daphne looked at her younger sister and nodded to her, Astoria ran towards her father and embraced him. " Chapter 2: A Gringotts Visit. " "Thank you Master Goldlok, let your wealth increase," Harry bowed slightly. Harry Potter is Lord of Multiple Noble Houses. Previous story available at: Hentaifoundry dot com (search for Harry's Sex Spellbook there)The first expansion was the only "conquest" in Potter history. He broke the seal and pulled out his parent's joint will, and began to read. House Potter is the superior house between the two, so if she is to be your primary spouse, she must marry you as Lord Potter. They never expected that Harry would gain the direct attention of both fate and death in doing so. " Harry sighed and waved from where he was. Part 1. 7 years ago he had walked the same path as a clueless 11 year old boy who had just. "It's Lord Potter!" Harry remarked, "If you're going to try and boss us around, be respectful, you walking clitoris!". Harry muttered to himself, taking the odd, pitch black ring with a moonstone mounted on it. The Potter name still has clout and alliances, but it is considered a House that has fallen from grace. He knew that he had to use one of the floo terminals, and with the headmaster still at the Wizengamot session it was protocol to go through his Houses head. By then, Harry Potter has a wife (Hermione), a concubine (Narcissa), lordship of twenty Houses and custody of Voldemort's daughter Delphini. pearl hunting locations in florida; timberland hunting leases in georgiaThe breakfast began just before seven in the morning. As far as power went, Harry also had powerful ancestral lines. "Harry was glad his 5th year was over. Fifteen years later Harry returns to fulfil his destiny. This was due to the vivid and terrifying dream he just had. In the misty morning fog with. "P-please don't tell anyone else. This is the second part of Let's fix the Multiverse. " Said the goblin with a scary smile, which was replied by another. NO SLASH. Until finally it came down to the final confrontation between Lord Voldemort, Heir to Salazar Slytherin and Michael Potter, heir to the Potter family. And finally, he cried because for once he just needed to be loved like he had parents. There was Sirius Orion Black, Jean-Luc Delacour. Standing Up to Slytherin. As Molly wept happily, Harry decided that this had been a great law to support. He would finally be reunited with his parents and Sirius. He heard footsteps, loud in Hogsmeade's sleepy silence. ::Dumbs Bashing Ahead:: Harry/Multiple. He was also thankful for the help from the goblins. Tracey Davis is a Nobody Extraordinaire, ignored by the whole school. With the first book out of the way, the readers worry about the secrets that will be revealed in the second book. A monster unleashed. "Harry, it's the only way to keep the lines separate. And you are not just Harry you are the last of a Most Ancient and Noble house; actually two most ancient and noble houses. I receive no profit from this work. Heir to the house of Slytherin (soul adoption) Extra. Harry/HG/Multi *Harry's Sex Spellbook was flagged for plagiarism and I was forced to take it down, It is now available at Hentaifoundry. Harry groaned as he tried to sit up. “House Black declares alliance with the Ancient and Noble House of Longbottom. " Harry said as he sighed and walked towards his first class. # 1. He had just started on the bacon; when he heard a knock on the door. Harry was walking toward the Common Room when suddenly he was pulled into an empty classroom. 6:Harry will have Multiple Familiars. It's months afterwards and unexpectedly, he's literally picked up off the face of the world and shoved into another. Harry Potter and the Elemental Tale By: defiasstone2. AU. . "Harry, your at Hogwarts no one will hurt you. After announcing his arrival to the first teller to be free, the young Potter was handed an empty parchment and a blood-quill and asked to write his name – a standard identification procedure in Gringotts. Inside, Buckbeak was waiting for them, and the first students were already bowing to the majestic creature. 15 Stories. James wasn't needed to find multiple partners to pass on his former titles since he had been 'dead' for over 15. As the series develops, other Harems will form. Once again, snakes. He finds out he is King of Camelot and others, he has betrothal contracts, slave contracts, inheritance, creature Inheritance, and he finds out who truly is in his side. Orion had been older than Walburga, and he should have known better – it was taboo, even in their society. Severus took note of this but made no sign that it bothered him. (Thursday, December 10th, 1994) Harry Potter grinned down at the guinea pig that had, until a few minutes ago, been a guinea fowl. With the Yule Ball only a few weeks away, Harry was already getting desperate to find himself and Ron a date. The potter harem By: parth1997. 5:Godlike Powerfull Harry. Chapter 1- Discovery. Lady Avatar Korra-Alive:Current Location:AirBender Island. But as he went to leave Harry grabbed his sleeve. ”I-I I'm sorry Ginny I didn’t mean to. As the two traveled out of the dreary streets of Knockturn Alley and into. Lavender was an only child, meaning that she was the last member of the Ancient House of Brown. K. Chapter 2: Contracts. - Chapters: 4 - Words: 1,484 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 100 - Follows: 135 - Updated: Apr 8, 2015 - Published. After that, Harry lives with those who slipped through the cracks of society, the Street Knights. He was a small, scrawny boy of twelve, with raven black messy hair, emerald green eyes, glasses and a lightning bolt scar on his forehead, which he covered up with his long fringe, because he hated it when people stared. Summary: Alternate Universe story with Out of Cannon Romantic Pairings, with two notable exceptions. Prologue: Once upon a time, there was a kingdom called Hogwarts. Narcissa Malfoy's life is not what it once was. Harry Potter took Dumbles places as Leader of the Light by entering Politics and Business, it a classic Harry Potter Marriage Law that focuses on Harry and his lady story and their struggles of course there will be twist. His uncle was roaring in fury, and punched Harry in his ribs and on his head, resulting in a severe pain in his head the entire day. As he wandered through the cobbled streets he thought back to his multiple trips to the wizarding shopping street and he felt a sort of melancholy. He's lucky to have Hermione's time. " Said Mokrul, while still keeping the stone face. Features Voldemort resurrected as a Dark Lady struggling to figure out if she actually is Voldemort. " Harry James Potter. Heritage Chapter 13: Triwizard Tournament, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. She'd take it far better if a girl was the. Until one night she gets a visit from a dark, dangerous stranger. He changed into his best wizarding robe and laid his wand down on the end-table by his bed. 8:Bad Dumbledore and Select Weasleys. Explain him, Daphne! – Astoria tried to make her father. Sometimes, they change the course of destiny. Lord Potter was kidnapped once he touched the Triwizard Cup in the maze of the third task. Girlfriend/fiancé as of 6. Harry was having, without a doubt, the strangest dream he could remember. Tracey Davis and the Boy Wonder By: VainlyInsane. " "But, I'm not a Black," Harry said, "I'm a Potter. House Bones is the last of the houses that were created. July 25th, 1996. Harry Potter The Nine House Lord of.